Episode 60 – Rise Up Reports – The Fuel of Defying Gravity Rising

Ever wished for a simple, repeatable process that’d reliably help you get the things you really, really want in your marriage? Well… wait no more. 

Listen in to this week’s episode to walk with us through the exact report we use in Defying Gravity Rising to focus our efforts and claim the lives we love to live in. 

Mentioned in this Episode

  • The Candice Toone Coaching BIRTHDAY SALE – mark your calendar for Dec 6-8

Bonus Resources

Episode Transcript

‘s Up, Bees?!

It’s a big week around here! 

Birthday sale starts in 5 short days. 

Both tiers of Defying Gravity Rising – my group coaching program – will be available at a 50%
savings from Dec 6-8 + there are also some pretty sweet savings on 1-1 support up for grabs.

Have you decided if you want to snatch up one of those opportunities?

Have you decided if you’re willing to LET yourself snatch up the opportunity you want? 

I’m planning to go over the specific details of what’s included in all of those opportunities toward the end of this episode and RIGHT NOW I’m gonna get to the meat of what I want to share so that those who don’t want to hear about the specifics of the sale can drop off when we’re done.

By way of review, all of my programs in Defying Gravity Rising function on the DIE method. 

D for Decide

I for Implement

E for Evaluate

All of my work with clients focuses on helping them move through those three steps and move through them quickly. 

Because the quicker they roll through the process, the quicker they see the changes they really, really want to see. 

It’s the same for you and you can use this process whether you come along with us in Defying Gravity Rising or not. 

All you gotta do is be honest with yourself about the decisions you’re making (or not), the things you’re implementing to make your decisions happen (or not) and the way you’re evaluating (or not) what you’ve implemented. 

Then rinse and repeat your way to a life and marriage you really, really love. 

In Defying Gravity Rising, we use two anchors to help keep ourselves on track.

The first anchor is a running list of 25 things you really, really want. 

The items on the list can be big or small – monumental or mundane – fun or functional.

Make a list. 

Pick something to work toward. 

Again and again.

The second anchor is our Rise Up Reports. 

In Defying Gravity Rising, you’d post your report weekly to help make sure that 

  • you’ve Decided on a THING, not a THEME
  • you’ve Implemented something to help yourself gather data and learn
  • you’re in the habit of Evaluating from the viewpoint of a loving grandmother who really believes that you can do ANYTHING you put your mind to 

What would you post exactly? 

I’m glad you asked. 

Grab a pen and notebook because I really am going to tell you the EXACT lines of the Rise Up Report we actually use in Defying Gravity Rising so that you can use them on your own if – for whatever reason – you’re not going to join us in our super fun group just yet. 

The goal of the report is to gather data. 


Full stop. 

The focus is NOT how many feathers you can add to your cap. 

It’s not about who checks off the most things the fastest. 


Rise Up Reports are about how committed you are to giving yourself information. 

Information about yourself, about your goal, about your husband – because information is power and the more you know, the more effective you’ll be at making your next decision. 

Also, as you allow yourself to focus on gathering data – whether you’ve “won” or “lost” – you’ll start to get more comfortable with “failure”. 

You’ll be less spooked by what “doesn’t work”. 

And when you’re no longer spooked – let me tell you… that’s the power pose. 

That’s where the endless possibilities open WIDE up. 

That’s when it becomes WAY easier to move forward and claim what you want. 

So, let’s get to it. 

Here’s how the reporting actually goes. 

There are 7 specific lines. 

Fill those out every week – week after week – and a life you love is as good as done.

Rise Up Report:

Thing I really, really want: report on your focus from your list of 25 things

What I tried: report on the step you took this week to move you closer to your goal

Yes: report on what worked

No: report on what didn’t work

What I’ll try next time: report on your plan for next week (based on what you learned from the yes + no line)

What might get in my way: report on anything I think might stop me from implementing my next time plan

Support: report on how I will support myself through what I listed above

Rise Up Report – Travel Example:

Thing I really, really want: to take my kids to Disneyland this year

What I tried: contacted a travel agent to get a quote

Yes: sent the email, responded quickly to her questions

No: Nothing! I nailed it!

What I’ll try next time: Tell my hubs about my desire + bring him in on brainstorming.

What might get in my way: Scaring myself away from asking because I’ll think he’ll be 

opposed to the trip.

Support: I’ll remind myself that his no doesn’t have to be the end of the 

conversation AND I’ll leave room for him to surprise me by being on board to 

plan the trip. 

Rise Up Report – Financial Example:

Thing I really, really want: to start creating an investment portfolio

What I tried: listen to a podcast on investing basics

Yes: I set the goal and bookmarked the episode on my phone

No: I didn’t listen to it. Let myself get distracted (because I was scared of what I’d 

learn and didn’t believe I’d have the time to implement it anyway.)

What I’ll try next time I’ll set a specific time and date when I can listen with a notebook 


What might get in my way:  I think the same fears might get in my way and I’ll find other 

things to do.

Support: I’ll pour myself an ice-cold soda water and wear my comfy clothes while I 

listen. I’ll also remind myself that gathering information is the win this week – even if I don’t apply what I learn yet (or ever).

That’s it. That’s all you gotta do. 

Take those 7 specific lines. 

Fill out a report every week – week after week – and a life you love is as good as done.

You can start doing those reports ALL of that on your own right now. Today. 

Listen to this podcast again and again if it helps.  

I genuinely hope you do it – because I know you were meant to live a life you love with a partner you love doing things you really love. 

I also know that this process can be PRETTY CHALLENGING to sustain all on your own. 

Which is why I created Defying Gravity Rising – a fun, supportive community with lots of love and ideas to pass around. 

The best time to get started with us is one week from now during the Candice Toone Coaching BIRTHDAY SALE (Dec 6-8). 

And heads up. 

I’m gonna move into the specifics of what’s available in Defying Gravity Rising now… so if you’re not interested in hearing more details about the opportunities available in the actual sale… now’s the time to switch the podcast off. 

Defying Gravity Rising is the group coaching program I host to help women – like you – stop wondering if they married the wrong guy and start enJOYing the marriage they imagined when they said, “I do.” 

Because I know that different women have different preferences for support – we offer two tiers of engagement. 

First – The Honey Pot. 

The Honey Pot is for anyone who loves independent, self-paced work. In The Honey Pot, you’ll have full, on-demand access to my entire library of resources:

  • Defying Gravity: The Course – which is the foundation I believe every woman should have as she builds a successful, loving, connected marriage
  • Bonus Training: Lucky in Love
  • Bonus Training: Help You Help Yourself
  • Book Club Recordings from our Group Study of Wife on Purpose

The Honey Pot also includes 

  • UNLIMITED access to an anonymous Ask A Coach message board – where you can ask me any question at any time with full privacy. 
  • a monthly LIVE coaching call where you can receive support, share a win or simply listen in on what other Bees are doing so you can apply their coaching to your situation – because bonus… we are all going through similar things and there is comfort and strength in numbers
  • If you can’t come to the monthly call live – there IS a replay available on The Honey Pot website AND on a private podcast so you can listen on the go

The Honey Pot investment is regularly $500 for full participation through the lifetime of the program – and, as of this moment, I’m planning to continue the program for a long, long time. 

During the birthday sale, you can claim full Honey Pot access for $250 – a savings of 50%. 

Second Tier – Swarm Sisters 

Swarm Sisters is for you if you crave the power of an active community. In Swarm Sisters, we collaborate together on a weekly basis to cheer each other on, share wins, offer support through rough patches and create lifelong bonds of sisterhood. 

Should you opt in for Swarm Sisters, you’ll have full, on-demand access to everything in The Honey Pot – all the on-demand curriculum, the anonymous Ask A Coach board and all call replays on a private podcast, plus

  • weekly LIVE coaching calls where you can receive support, share a win or simply listen in on what other Bees are doing so you can apply their coaching to your situation – because bonus… we are all going through similar things and there is comfort and strength in numbers
  • weekly specialty calls with a unique focus – communication tips, body-based healing, a Q&A with his and her perspective
  • an always available community through an app called Slack – you can chat with the other Bees, seek coaching from me and complete your weekly Rise Up Report to track, troubleshoot and celebrate your progress
  • quarterly advanced relationship workshops – can be attended LIVE or virtually
  • opportunity to earn Queen Bee status which includes perks like
    • private, on-demand messaging with me
    • quarterly fully private 1-1 coaching calls
    • discounted re-enrollment 

The Swarm Sisters investment is regularly $2000 annually. 

During the birthday sale, you can claim full Swarm Sisters access for $1000 – that’s a 50% savings on a full 12 months of comprehensive coaching support. 

Lastly, if you’re really looking for concierge support in your personal corner of the world… my high-touch 1-1 coaching experience may be the best option for you. 

Should we choose to partner together in a 1:1 experience, you’d have full access to everything in Swarm Sisters – all the on-demand curriculum, the anonymous Ask A Coach board all call replays on a private podcast, Slack community, quarterly workshops, Queen Bee opportunities plus

  • weekly 30 min coaching calls – just you and me focused ON YOU
  • unlimited on-demand messaging between our private calls – this is MY favorite thing to have as a client because it helps me keep my focus top of mind all week and prevents me from wasting time on things that don’t serve me PLUS it creates an incredible bond of trust between me and my coach which is CRUCIAL when I’m doing big things to expand my world 
  • 3 VIP Day experiences – where you and I will retreat from your everyday life to reflect on how things are going and consciously receive inspiration to make sure we’re progressing toward what’s most aligned for you. It’s easy to get lost in the weeds as you move through your regular life and these VIP days are a breath of fresh air to invigorate your efforts toward claiming the things you really, really want. The VIP days can be done virtually or in-person in Utah. PS – it’s a gorgeous place to visit if you haven’t yet been. 

A private, 1:1 coaching experience is regularly $8k for a 12-month experience. 

During the birthday sale, you can claim a $2k savings and enroll in a deeply personal, 1:1 cocoon of support for only $6k – which, and I know it’s me saying so… but that really is a steal. 

I am currently supporting 17 1:1 clients, most of whom are up for renewal around the time of the birthday sale. 

I’m planning to take 15 total in 2025. 

I’m telling you that only to stress that if you ARE interested in a 1:1 immersive, supportive experience next year – declare your intention by grabbing your spot early. 

Wouldn’t that be a fun way to set your tone for 2025? 

I think so. 

So, let’s celebrate my birthday together with a brand-new level of support for YOU. 

And since you’re still listening, I’m gonna assume you’ve got at least some desire to claim one of the opportunities I just mentioned. 

I want that for YOU – the one who is listening to my podcast right now and cracking open the door of possibility as she reflects on her life. 

I want that first for YOU – because YOU matter. 

And because you matter, I’m gonna give it to you straight. 

THIS next part is THAT important. 

???? YOU are the one who will free your daughters from fear in their future marriages. 

???? YOU are the one who will show your posterity where to look when they want to see 

a marriage done right. 

???? YOU are the one who will show your son how to value his wife – because YOU value 

yourself so obviously right now. 



Hear me on this. 

????YOU are the one who will design the way your family sees the institution of marriage 

for generations to come. 

????YOU are the one who will attract the respect, love and fun you deserve in your 

marriage because YOU are the one who knows YOU are worth all that and more.

Any whisper of “not the right time”… 

or “it’s not that bad”… 

or “someone else, someone more powerful than me, will turn things around”….

or “there are other, more important things to focus on”…

Those whispers do not come from you. 

Those distracting voices come from fear.

From doubt. 

And we both know that YOU are made from love. 

Up to this point, you’ve been taught to question yourself, stay small, go along to get along and play it safe. 

But that’s the EXACT OPPOSITE of what your marriage needs. 

Your marriage still needs the very first thing you brought to it: YOU. 

It’s time to do things differently.

???? To be exactly who you are. 

???? To stand for nothing less than what the beautiful humans in your family deserve.

????To get back to the basic truth that you are the perfect person to make your marriage 

happen in the exact way you know to be best.  

I’m here to help YOU get out of your own way. 

Defying Gravity Rising is the call you’ve been waiting to answer.

Let’s make Dec 6-8, 2024, the weekend you stop wondering and start walking.

Let yourself join us and create a marriage you deserve. 

The type of marriage you’d WANT your daughters to create for themselves. 

The type of marriage you’d WANT your sons to strive for and protect. 

The birthday sale savings are available Dec 6-8. 

Make sure you’re on my email list to get all the information to claim the opportunities that’s right for you. 

Go to www.candicetoone.com and click the gold “free course” button. You’ll get four quick video lessons with specific steps on “How to have the marriage you imagined when you said, “I do” AND you’ll be the first to receive the birthday sale links when the sale opens on Fri, Dec 6. 

You belong in here.

Birthday sale happens NEXT WEEKEND.  

December 6-8. 

Let those dates mark the day that you Rise Up to create a legacy of happiness and love in your own life and also in the lives of all the women in your family coming after you and looking to your example to help them decide what they deserve. 

Until then, choose courage, Bee – and Keep. On.  Flying.

Are you ready to have the marriage you imagined when you said “I do”?

Click below to get the FREE course: How to have the marriage you imagined when you said “I do”. You’re worth it and you’re welcome.

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I’m Candice.

I believe that every wife ought to feel cherished and valued. Appreciated and adored. I know we can make that happen. Even if it seems impossible to you. I’m a Master Certified Life Coach and I spend my days coaching women who are afraid in their marriages. You and I can work together to find a way for you to trust in your own decisions instead of constantly reacting to his. Now’s your time, Bee. How much longer are you willing to wonder and wait?