Episode 64 – 1% wins are still wins

If you knew an exercise would get you 1% closer to your goal, would you do it? Most people wouldn’t – because 1% improvement sounds “underwhelming” and “not worth it”. I get that reaction AND I know that 1% improvement is what fuels lasting change in the grind of the day-to-day. 

Listen in to this week’s episode to hear the case for why 1% wins will get you further, FASTER with anything you’re trying to accomplish. 

Mentioned in this Episode

Bonus Resources

Episode Transcript

‘s Up, Bees?! 

It’s almost January AKA “time to change everything all at once” season. 

The brand new year is coming up and if you’re like most people – like me – you’ve been doing some reflecting and making some plans about how THIS YEAR is the year you’re finally gonna take the romantic anniversary trip, fix your communication with your husband and double your investment portfolio. 

Sound familiar? 

If so… yay. I love dreamers. You’re my people if you’re willing to let yourself want more. 


Today I’m here to share an unpopular perspective on how to get more of what you want, quicker than you expected by celebrating steps that may seem pretty insignificant at first. 

It’s okay if you’re slow to warm up to this idea. 

I’ll admit it’s not very sexy. 


It is the VERY BEST WAY – hands down – to help yourself stay in the game for the long haul while enJOYing the grind of the day-day. 

In goal getting – how you feel matters more than what you do. 

You’re not going to feel good all of the time – of course – your life and marriage are under construction. There will be blisters. 


The more often you can feel good about the path you’re on, the more likely you are to keep on walking. 

Which brings me to the meat of today’s episode –  pulled DIRECTLY from the Swarm Sisters vault of resources. 

It’s a class I hosted for my real clients back in the late fall of 2023. 

We talk about looking for and celebrating wins ON PURPOSE – even when the finish line of the goal still seems pretty far away. 

Celebrating those 1% improvements… 

Acknowledging those easy-to-overlook wins… 

Those are the habits that’ll keep you moving toward the life and marriage you really, really want. 

Here’s how we apply those habits in Swarm Sisters. 



class – no transcript available 


​​And there it is – 1% wins get you to the BIG win. Try celebrating your 1% wins this week and email me at candice@candicetoone.com if you’d like to share your experience. 

I promise to respond to EVERY message. 

Also – if you’re wondering why the last three episodes have been pulled from the Swarm Sisters vault of resources… it’s because… starting in January, I’m launching a “pay what you want” series of preview support sessions that closely mirror what we do in my signature group coaching program – Swarm Sisters. 

Because you’re a beloved podcast listener, you’re getting a behind the scenes tour of the things we actually did in Swarm Sisters AHEAD OF TIME so you can make an informed decision about whether you’ll join us in the “pay what you want” series next year.  

In 2025, I want everyone to have access to marriage-changing support if they want it – regardless of their current bank account situation. 

We’ll share in a lesson – like you’ve heard in the last three podcasts – AND there will be opportunity to ask me questions and brainstorm together LIVE. 

There won’t be any pressure or awkward sales pitch, just real support, real guidance in our real community.

If you want more details, make sure you’re signed up to receive emails from me. 

Head over to www.candicetoone.com and grab my free course – look for the gold button in the upper right corner. 

Not only will you then be signed up to hear all the details about the Swarm Sisters preview sessions I’ll be hosting next year, but you’ll also get instant access to my mini course: “How to have the marriage you imagined when you said, “I do”. 

Can’t wait to hang out with you LIVE in 2025 and get to know you and your marriage a little bit better.

Thanks for being here in this conversation with me today – I look forward to chatting again next Sunday. 

Until then, choose courage, Bee and keep on flying!

Are you ready to have the marriage you imagined when you said “I do”?

Click below to get the FREE course: How to have the marriage you imagined when you said “I do”. You’re worth it and you’re welcome.

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I’m Candice.

I believe that every wife ought to feel cherished and valued. Appreciated and adored. I know we can make that happen. Even if it seems impossible to you. I’m a Master Certified Life Coach and I spend my days coaching women who are afraid in their marriages. You and I can work together to find a way for you to trust in your own decisions instead of constantly reacting to his. Now’s your time, Bee. How much longer are you willing to wonder and wait?