Episode 66 – Dare of the Day

When’s the last time you did something that scared you? Scaring yourself just a little bit on the daily is the surest way to streamline your efforts and pull your goals closer. 

Listen in to this week’s episode then get to brainstorming on how you could push yourself just a LITTLE bit more tomorrow than you did today. The life you want is waiting. Go grab it. 

Mentioned in this Episode

Bonus Resources

Episode Transcript

‘s Up, Bees?! 

We’re halfway through January, so it’s time for that cliche question… how’s your resolution going? 

Any answer is okay. 

I promise. 

I’m not asking to try to make yourself feel bad about your efforts. 

I’m not here to kick you in the butt. 

My goal is only to help create some safety around being honest with yourself about what’s going on. 

Because honest awareness makes up 80% of the likelihood that you’ll get what you want. 

If you aren’t honest… 

If you’re afraid or unwilling to be aware… 

Let’s fix that for you. 

Let’s get curious about what’s making it hard to see what’s true. 

When I’m feeling scared of dealing with something I’m pretty sure isn’t going great… I lean in close to myself in my mind’s eye and whisper in my own ear – “We can handle EVEN this.” 

Because when I believe I’m not alone and I believe I can handle whatever comes… that’s when it’s safe enough to be honest and become more aware. 

So how bout it? 

You willing to consider how YOU can handle EVEN this – whatever THIS may be…? 

I’m here with some thought nuggets pulled DIRECTLY from the Swarm Sisters vault of resources. 

It’s a real class I hosted for my real clients back in February 2023. 

We talk about how to gently scare yourself into the things you really, really want. Heavy emphasis on gentle – hard things require a lot of support and support is in abundant supply with the Swarm Sisters. 

So let’s listen in… starting RIGHT NOW


class – no transcript available 


​​What do you think? 

You ready to dare yourself into a life and marriage you really, really want? 

I know it can feel shaky to go out on a limb AND also… as they say… that’s where the fruit is. 

Do yourself the favor of making the reach. Fly or flop, I’d love to hear about it. And I’d be honored to support you through it. 

Email me at candice@candicetoone.com to tell me everything.  

I promise to respond to EVERY message. 

Also – if you’ve enJOYed hearing call replays from inside the Swarm Sisters vault of resources… you’re gonna want to make sure you’re on my email list. 

We’ll be doing calls JUST LIKE what you heard today with the added bonus of real time conversations about your actual dreams and concerns and questions. 

That’s what we do ALL day long in my signature group coaching program – Swarm Sisters – and it’s what YOU can join us for in the “pay what you want” series that’ll kick off THIS MONTH on January 31st. 

If you want the schedule of topics, so you can pick and choose what’s relevant to you – you’ve gotta make sure you’re on my email list. 

I’ll be announcing the first three topics in the coming week. 

Get on my email list and Get excited.

All you’ve gotta do to get on the list is head over to www.candicetoone.com and grab my free course – look for the gold button in the upper right corner. 

Not only will you then be signed up to hear all the details about the Swarm Sisters preview sessions that’ll start on January 31st, but you’ll also get instant access to my mini course: “How to have the marriage you imagined when you said, “I do”. 

Can’t wait to hang out with you LIVE in the coming weeks and get to know you and your marriage a little bit better. 

Thanks for being here in this conversation with me today – I look forward to chatting again next Sunday. 

Until then, choose courage, Bee and keep on flying!

Are you ready to have the marriage you imagined when you said “I do”?

Click below to get the FREE course: How to have the marriage you imagined when you said “I do”. You’re worth it and you’re welcome.

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I’m Candice.

I believe that every wife ought to feel cherished and valued. Appreciated and adored. I know we can make that happen. Even if it seems impossible to you. I’m a Master Certified Life Coach and I spend my days coaching women who are afraid in their marriages. You and I can work together to find a way for you to trust in your own decisions instead of constantly reacting to his. Now’s your time, Bee. How much longer are you willing to wonder and wait?