Episode 70 – Things you might not know about the Toones

Have you met my husband? He’s the other half – the behind the scenes of Candice Toone Coaching and without him, us Bees wouldn’t be able to fly nearly as high. 

Listen in to this week’s episode to celebrate Valentine’s Day with our love story and learn some trivia about the Toones – including something I didn’t know he was gonna share. #blush

Bonus Resources

Episode Transcript

‘s Up, Bees?

It’s Valentine’s Day this coming Friday and to celebrate – I’ve brought a special guest in to record with me today. 

My husband. 

Brandon Toone. 

I researched a bunch of questions – some get to know you, some funny, some potentially argument provoking (just kidding) and we’re just gonna talk through them. 

You ready? 


PLUS a heads up to keep an eye out for February’s Pay What You Want Experience: How ignoring your marital problem can actually make them better. 

Choose courage, Bees and Keep. On. Flying. 

Are you ready to have the marriage you imagined when you said “I do”?

Click below to get the FREE course: How to have the marriage you imagined when you said “I do”. You’re worth it and you’re welcome.

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I’m Candice.

I believe that every wife ought to feel cherished and valued. Appreciated and adored. I know we can make that happen. Even if it seems impossible to you. I’m a Master Certified Life Coach and I spend my days coaching women who are afraid in their marriages. You and I can work together to find a way for you to trust in your own decisions instead of constantly reacting to his. Now’s your time, Bee. How much longer are you willing to wonder and wait?