A while back, I took a self-defense course through Gracie University.
The very first thing they taught us – even before we learned how to break free from wrist grabs or hair holds was this:
In order to be successful in a self-dense training course, you’ve GOTTA BELIEVE THAT YOU ARE WORTH DEFENDING.
Take a pause and read that again.
In order to be successful in a self-defense training course, you’ve gotta believe you are worth defending.
Do you believe that about you?
Do you know that you are worth defending?
You. Are. Worth. Defending.
In all the ways.
You deserve your space here on Earth.
You have the right to use up all the resources available to you to create your very best life. Your very best marriage.
You can do all of that without taking anything from anyone else.
Now… pause.
Notice how you feel when you read those words.
Do you want to believe them?
Do you believe them already?
I believe it to my core. For me AND for you.
Because there’s enough for all of us. For every person in the world.
Because I know there’s enough for everyone, I allow myself to dream big. To connect with women who are going places and to go places myself.
This rockin’ group of master coaches (pictured above) knows that we can lift each other without compromising ourselves.
That success for one of us just means success is possible for all of us, not that there’s less success to be had because one of us got there first.
You got a group of supporters like that?
You want one?
The next round of Defying Gravity starts this October.
Join us and you’ll have what you see pictured here: A team of women loving on you, holding you through the hurt and rooting for your success.
You’ll come with all the wonderings about whether or not you married the wrong guy.
You’ll stay and learn that more is available (in your marriage or not) and more isn’t really all that far away.
By the time we’re through, you’ll be taking the vacation you were once afraid to plan and enjoying connected conversations with your husband (whether you stay married or not) instead of surviving on logistical planning exchanges alone or staying home watching other people live out their dreams.
You coming? ⠀