Sometimes I like to ask my brain the question: “Don’t you have anything better to do?” Just to be sure she’s always working on something that serves me well.
Remember that your brain is a problem solving machine. She’s happiest when she’s working something out. And if you’re like most people, you often let her churn on ?s like:
“What’s wrong with me?”
“How did we get here?”
“Why doesn’t he want to take care of me anymore?”
Listen. I understand that those problems seem necessary to solve.
I also PROMISE they are not.
Know why?
Because the answers to those questions only lead to regret, self-doubt and fear.
You deserve better than that.
And you could give your brain a problem to solve ON PURPOSE, like:
“How can I take excellent care of myself today?”
“What could I do to have fun with my husband this weekend?”
“What’s the next step toward my next bucket list goal?”
Your brain truly doesn’t care which problem she’s solving. She just wants something to work on. It’s your option to put her to purposeful use figuring out something that will leave your life better.
Take my kiddos last Christmas as inspiration. They spent absolutely zero brain juice doubting whether Santa Claus was real or if they were “good kids”.
They just accepted that he was and they were and then got busy cracking open their Break Out Beast eggs to pull the monster limbs free from the slime inside so they could build a terrifying mythical beast.
The result?
No self-doubt. No drama. Just joy and a super fun toy.
Could be you. In your marriage. No self-doubt. No drama. Just joy and connection and the life you meant to build together.
Why not let it be?
Merry Christmas season from you to you.
Photo by Jo Szczepanska on Unsplash